The Human Component of Network Security

Any system designed to protect something is only as strong as its weakest link. With network security, the users are the weakest link.

Systems can he hardened to limit a network’s exposure but at a certain point, hardening begins to limit a users ability to do their job. Finding the balance between locking down a system and letting users work freely on their machines is different for every business but the problem still remains, the user is the weakest link. Short of removing all ability to interact with the outside world through browsers, email , and software, there is no way to fully protect your network from the human component of network security.

Never assume users know what to do when it comes to security. The methods used by attacks becomes more sophisticated every day. Attackers know Phishing emails, spoofed website, and social engineering works and the only way to protect a business’s data from those types of threats is through ongoing education of the people who use and have access to your business data.

Hardware and software based network security does an exceptional job at limiting exposure and filtering out threats. Unfortunately, it only takes a convincing email opened or a malicious website clicked on by a user to circumvent all the security measures in place, and basically invite, malicious activity into your network, putting your data and business at risk.

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