Reinforce Security Best Practices with Simulated Attacks

Simulated attacks mock actual attacks and tactics in a safe and harmless way. We utilize recent attack methods from believable sources to create simulations that test the recipients susceptibility to phishing, social engineering, and other methods of cyber attacks.

Our goal is to educate users on proper procedures is a constructive manner. If an action is taken that would be a security risk, the user is lead to a landing page that explains the security risk and what the proper actions should have been. Simulated attack results are tracked and can be used to find weak areas that need further attention.

Data Entry Simulations

Send emails or SMS with a link to a customized landing page that encourages users to enter sensitive information.

Attachment Based Simulations

Train users to recognize malicious attachments by sending emails and SMS with believable, seemingly legitimate attachments.

Smishing Simulations

Send spoofed SMS with free selectable source numbers to train and test mobile device awareness.

Report Phishing Emails

Utilize the included Report Phish plugin for Microsoft Outlook. When users receive a suspicious email, they can safely submit it for inspection.

All Business Needs a Cyber Security Education Program

Both Systems and people need to be secured to successfully defend against cyber attacks. Simulating attacks provide a method of determining a business’s preparedness for cyber threats. Every business is a target, but not every business has to be susceptible. Users and their ability to spot a cyber threat determines a business’s susceptibility and educated users are always better at spotting a threat.

Simulated attacks are designed to be seamless to your environment and are not intrusive. For example, a phishing simulation would come in through a users normal email and if action was taken on the email, the user would be lead to a landing page educating them on what should have been done and why. The time involved for the user is minimal but the education is invaluable. If their actions would have been on a malicious phishing email, and not a simulation, the result could be a security breach or loss of personal or corporate information.

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